
1. Reflect on this quote: Globalization can ... be define as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link
Distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.' 
(Anthony Giddens, former director of London School of Economics). 

What is already done in schools in your country?  

Denmark is well equipped to continue benefiting from globalization. 
The aim for Denmark its to maintain its position and one of the wealthiest countries in the world and as a country with strong social cohesion. 
The Reform of the primary and lower secondary school system. The government in Denmark has focused on the academic standards, and that it need to be raised considerably in the core subjects of reading, mathematics, science and English.  
I think that evaluation and testing should give teachers, parents and pupils a clear idea of where particular focus is needed.  

In school we have been discussing about the Teachers should become subject specialists, and be specialists trained in a particular subject. 
It will help level the playing field between students attending public school and those enrolled in private school, where teachers often are single-subject specialists. The idea is to ensure that teachers are well versed in the content they're teaching and can focus their efforts on one academic area.
The pupils in primary and lower secondary school should work on developing their creative skills in the existing

2. Write core concepts from this challenge with definitions

Glozalization is a mixture of and the end result of combining the words globalization and localization. I read an article Glozalization: time-space and homogeneity-Heterogeneity by Roland Robertson, the sociologist. He suggests replacing the concept of globalization with the concept of Glozalization. in using " Glozalization" rather than globalization Robertson wishes to blur the boundaries between the local and the global. 

Robertson offers instead to see the local itself as one of the aspects of Globalization. For example, the search for " home"
and" roots" are a counter reaction to globalization but rather a need structured by it. 
He defines the word Glozalization as a reason where ties and influences are selected, processed and consumed according the local culture's needs, taste and social structure. 

Profession: A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain. 

English as a lingua franca: 
An article from Barbara Seidlhofer, define the term " English as a lingua franca" (ELF). In recent years the term ELF, has
emerged as a way of referring to communication in English between speakers with different languages. Since roughly
only out of every for users of English in the world is a native speaker of the language, most EFL interactions take place
among " non-native" speakers of english. Although this does not preclude the participation of English native speakers in
ELF interaction, what is distinctive about ELF is that, in most cases, it is a "contact language “between between persons
who share neither a common native tongue nor a common/national culture, and for whom English is the chose foreign
language of communication. 

As in danish Undervisnings Ministeriet, " Fælles mål for Engelsk" defined the term " Lingua Franca as " Undervisningen
omfatter møder med andre, der anvender engelsk enten som modersmål eller lingua franca dvs. at ingen af samtale-partnerne har engelsk som modersmål, men anvender engelsk som fælles kommunikationsmiddel, gennem samarbejds-projekter, udvekslinger, møder og eventuelt rejser. 

1 comment:

  1. Andrea.
    You have very been successful in designing and starting your blog. Congratulations!

    Here is feedback to you on the theme “Globalization”
    Concerning task 1 which is ..:”Reflect on this quote: Globalization can ... be define as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.' (Anthony Giddens, former director of London School of Economics).

    You have described and reflected on what globalization and professional change are on your front page and under this heading.

    Especially your notes after viewing "... What do they do in the USA" is charachterised by bright personal reflections. Your blog is alrady now a good mosaic of descriptions and thoughts. Just contnue like that.

    Concerning task 2 which is ..:”Write core concepts from this challenge with definitions” which is the same as the section called ”Glossary”: “ In this section you collect 3-7 core concepts from each challenge to form your personal glossary on globalization. Write your own definition in English AND in your own language. Order the concepts thematically and/or alphabetically”

    You have started your description of concepts and the “Glossary” in a good way. Now you just need to contnue concerning relevant concepts in every topic.

    Egon Hedegaard,

    PS: I recommend checking out the following links:

    The ICDL Foundation is making children's literature available online free of charge. The mission is to support the world's children in becoming effective members of the global community - who exhibit tolerance and respect for diverse cultures, languages and ideas. Sign in and get access to 4643 books in 61 languages: Notice: iPhone & iPad apps are available.
    Learning acts & teacher training manual:

    TakingITGlobal use the power of online community to facilitate global education, social entrepreneurship, and civic engagement for millions of youth between the ages of 13 to 30
    worldwide. Link: "Global Issues" on the TakingITGlobal website connects people to the issues that matter to them most:

    "Tread Lightly" is a free climate change education and engagement program. The aim is to empower youth to reduce their ecological footprints and take action on climate change. The interactive tools on the website may be used in schools as well as by any group or individual: click
    "Website Tour":

    Small actions can have a big impact on the environment if lots of people do the same:
    Commit2act is an app for iPhone & iPad inspiring you to act and document and share with others. Free in App Store. Information at
