Friday, 22 February 2013

Who am I?


Everything around us shapes who we become, and what we believe about others and about ourselves.
Race, family, sex, gender, age,class, sexual orientation, abilities, religion, social and political contacts, languages. All these factors are facts of who we are.
Who am I? Who are you? "The answer depends in large part on who the world around me says i am" -Tatum, 2003, p.18)

Could you answer this in 60 seconds " I am_________."  - this is a really interesting video, explaining what is identity.

1 comment:

  1. I wanna answer your question with a verse by the amazing rapper Kendrick Lamar:
    "Look at me, look at me, I'm a loser, I'm a winner
    I'm good, I'm bad, I'm a Christian, I'm a sinner
    I'm humble, I'm loud, I'm righteous, I'm a killer
    What I'm doing, I'm saying that I'm human"

    It was just the first thing that came to my mind when reading your question! :D ..and I know what you're thinking - "why isn't there a freakin' like button on this Blog thing!" hahahaha :P
